During the Covid19 Lockdown we spent more time at home and in our gardens. With a dramatic decrease in road and air traffic noise, it was possible to notice the rising volume of the chirps and trills of birdsong in our gardens and parks. It......

I’m just over halfway through my two weeks residency at Artspace Portsmouth. I started last week by listening to the 15 interviews created by the young people from Motiv8, and further 5 interviews of older adults in the community. There’s rich information, covering topics such......

I’m undertaking a new project, made possible through the Your Voice 2 residency at Art Space Portsmouth. The two weeks residency focuses on responding to oral history interviews created by young people from the Motiv8 Skills Hub, and mentoring them in new creative skills. For......

Since undertaking the course at West Dean College, it took me a few months to purchase all the materials and carve out enough time to dedicate to creating my first woodblock print. My aim is to transfer my geometric sculptures into two demential prints. I......

By Kate Davey The ultimate question in relation to the arts is – and perhaps always has been – what actually is art? Who is it made by, and who is it made for? In John Dewey’s 1934 book ‘Art as Experience,’ the author talks......

One of my aims for the Nothing ‘is’ Immediate project is to explore how sound and sculpture can offer a gallery experience that stimulates wellbeing. Here are five ways that contribute to this aim for the visiting audience: The sculptures omit sounds rich in harmonics......

I’m interested in the notion of Nothing, and what nothing is? I imagine that when I look into darkness or pure black, the absence of light is the boundary of the universe, creating a memory of what it was like before Being. In his book......

As part of my professional development in sound art, in 2018 I took part in the first ‘murmuration # 1’ located sound residency. Located in a remote retreat at Glenshee Scotland, on the edge of the Cairngorms, the retreat was facilitated by located sound experts Jez Riley-French......