5 Ways Nothing ‘is’ Immediate can support Wellbeing

One of my aims for the Nothing ‘is’ Immediate project is to explore how sound and sculpture can offer a gallery experience that stimulates wellbeing. Here are five ways that contribute to this aim for the visiting audience:

    1. The sculptures omit sounds rich in harmonics that can slow the rhythmic activity of the brain down from the busy speed of gamma to an alpha or theta speed of neuron activity. This benefits the nervous system, and by decreasing your pulse rate and blood pressure.
    2. The forms of classic geometry and fractal geometry correspond to the balanced mathematics in nature. Scientists have discovered that the same areas of the brain that respond in a positive way to resonant sound, also light up when you look at geometry and fractals.
    3. When the brain is stimulated through exploring the aesthetics of art, it releases serotonin, a chemical in the body which contributes to wellbeing and happiness.
    4. An experiment conducted showed that when people are shown images of water their MRI scan indicated a decrease in cortisol (the stress hormone) production. The activity in the pituitary gland in the brain moves away from a feeling of flight or fight towards a sense of rest and relaxation.
    5. When you experience something aesthetically pleasing, beautiful in colour, texture etc, you release dopamine, one of the neuro transmitters that lifts our mood and can have a positive change to our mental health.
  • Maude Allen
    Posted at 17:01h, 10 April Reply

    Hi Tony, thank you for posting the above findings which I find fascinating though not surprising. Sometimes I have strong immediate reactions to colours, objects or rooms I enter. Sometimes, especially at home, the reaction is slower, subtle. Fascinating! I saw your presentation last Wednesday with Abbie Canning. When restrictions permit I look forward to visiting your exhibition.

    • Tony Spencer
      Posted at 12:56h, 15 July Reply

      Thank you for your comments Maude. That’s fascinating how you process colours and objects. Hope you get to see one of my exhibitions. I will send you details.

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